As a result of the ideas and phobic reflexes that man normally has when it comes to snakes, it would most likely sound ridiculous to hear that there are some edible snakes out there in the ...
It is a well-known fact that camping is most people’s preferred way to travel and enjoy the outdoors. Everything about it is great! — Setting up camp, sleeping under the stars, having a great ...
Have you ever considered trying a fried scorpion? When you are out in the wilderness and you’re hungry, you probably won’t be picky. What is a delicacy to some, to others is something they ...
We all know that humans simply cannot live without water. It is essential to our livelihood and helps the body in so many ways that we simply cannot function without it. Even our blood is 92 ...
Energy bars were first presented to the market as a food for athletes. They were introduced right next to snack bars and were advertised as a snack which gives you a fast energy fuel. However, ...
Arranging a vegan backpacking, solid foods will definitely be one your needs on your backpacking trip. If you have an average mile of 8+ for each day, you will likely be consuming somewhere ...
There is not anything that is more of nuisance when hiking than lugging around heavy pots and pans. Food is essential on long hiking trips, but most people get tired of the cliché protein bars ...
No cook camping meals can be a fun way to eat without having to create a fire or bring along a camping stove. Eating no cook camping food means you can eat faster because there is less ...
Camping is not really the first thing that crosses someone’s mind when it comes to a perfect Valentine day or any other romantic event. However, if you and your partner love camping and ...
Making the after-meals, desserts in the wilderness, doesn’t necessarily mean you always have to bring pots and pans from home. There are plenty of desserts that can be cooked efficiently on the ...